2020Adobe Illsutrator for iPad
Beta Participant & Illustrator
overviewI was invited by Adobe to be a part of their Illustrator for iPad Beta Team through the Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund. It allowed me to test the app, make feature requests and have direct communication with Adobe’s development team. 

The central theme for my artwork was based on the Indian philosophy - वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्, an idea that fosters the belief that the whole of humanity is one complete family. 

The global pandemic that we are facing has forced the world’s citizens to change their lives completely. But this feeling of uncertainty and discomfort has brought the world together in new and tremendously innovative ways. An Irish grandma read bedtime stories for children online; musicians and artists took to ‘live’ social media stages; while countries flew in their citizens and flew out help and supplies to the needy. And it is this phenomenon that I decided to capture in my artwork.

let’s create together!  
If you’re looking for your next Designer, need a Collaborator or just want to have a conversation, I’d love to meet you!

Let’s Talk! 

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